Storm Recovery Efforts
Our Concord Baptist efforts will be with church and associational partners in western North Carolina. Thank you for joining the efforts!
Please help in one or more of the areas below.
Ways to help
There are several different ways to help provide storm recovery to the people affected by Hurricane Helene. Whether you are praying, giving, or going, you will have an impact on sharing the Light of the World to a community that is grieving, struggling, and beginning to recover. The road to recovery is not short and quick, but it is a long marathon. Concord's goal is to support this recovery effort through it's entirety, with opportunities to serve over the next several months.
Thank you Concord family! You provided resources which have been delivered to aid those who suffered loss in western NC from Hurricane Helene.
In October and November, we collected & delivered approximately 2.5 truck loads of needed supplies to our neighbors in NC. 13 total sets of portable propane heaters and tanks were purchased and delivered because of you!
Thank you for being willing to support the physical needs in the communities in Western North Carolina! The organizations and associations of churches with which we partnered have stated that the distribution centers have ample supplies at this time or the centers are no longer needed. Thank you for the supplies that you have given!
Thank you for your generosity Concord family!
Because of your generous giving in October 2024, we were able to send a gift of $20,000 to NC Baptists on Mission to aid with Essential Rapid Repairs as explained below.
If you wish to continue to contribute towards the recovery efforts, we encourage you to give via Money used at this time is to help those in need with Essential Rapid Repairs (ERR) for a home to be safe, sanitary and have a functional kitchen and bathroom. All monies are used directly with no overhead for Southern Baptist Disaster Relief efforts. SBC disaster relief efforts are one of the largest in the USA. You may also give directly to NC Baptist via and click on “Hurricane Helene.”
The Highlighted area on the banner will be new and added.
Thank you for your willingness to support the storm recovery efforts as the hands and feet of Christ in Western North Carolina!
On Oct 17, Nov 2, and Nov 16 we had a total of 5 teams that served on full day Work Xpeditions to Western North Carolina. A total of 27 from Concord either delivered supplies, moved and organized food in a supply distribution warehouse, or cut / hauled trees and debris for many homeowners. Thanks to those who served!
Present RECOVERY efforts:
Carpenters, drywallers, plumbers, electricians, etc. & plain helpers are needed to assist with Essential Rapid Repairs (ERR) in homes for residents to have a safe, sanitary home with a functional kitchen and bathroom in order for the home to be habitable. Groups and individuals are needed. Lodging is available, and meals are provided. Length of stays and work dates are flexible.
Notify our Missions Director Jay Conner of your desire to go as individual, go as a group, or to be linked with a group to serve at (864) 934-8672 via call or text.
Storm Recovery on November 2nd