Welcome To Concord Baptist Church
We’re more than just a building or gathering place on Sunday morning; we’re a loving community that is united by our shared devotion to the Gospel. Our mission is clear: “We exist to bring glory to God by Leading, Equipping, and Sending.”
When you first come to visit, you’ll find dedicated parking to the right, making your visit convenient and stress-free. Our friendly greeters will be at the door and are eager to extend a warm welcome, guiding you with a smile as you begin to know Concord on a personal level.

Start your Sunday morning by grabbing a cup of coffee at the Thrive Cafe—a simple gesture that speaks volumes about our desire to make you feel at home. We believe in fostering relationships in a Gospel-centered environment, and we’re excited to introduce you to the heart of our community.
Your first visit is more than another Sunday morning; it’s an opportunity to become a part of something greater and to either begin or continue your journey of transformation through the Gospel. Join us as we bring glory to God through Leading, Equipping, and Sending, and let’s build a community, together.
We look forward to meeting you and if you have any questions before Sunday, feel free to give our church office a phone call or fill out the form below!
Frequently Asked Questions
Dress comfortably and come as you are!
There is no need to worry about a dress code, you will fit in just as you are. You’ll find a wide range of styles on Sunday mornings, from full suits and dresses to jeans and T-shirts, whatever you wear you will belong!
We recommend you arrive 20-25 minutes early to allow for plenty of time to find our guest parking, interact with our guest services team, and grab a cup of coffee before finding a seat in our worship center!
Our typical worship service is approximately 75 minutes and is filled with Biblical Worship led by our praise team, Biblical prayer from our pastoral team, and Biblical preaching from our senior pastor.
We love our children and long for them to be involved in our worship service with their family. We also recognize that not every child may want to be in the large worship service, so we have a special worship service for our children who are in 5th grade and younger.
We offer two different worship services for our kids! TreeHouse is designed for our 4 and 5-year-olds, while BrickHouse is designed for our 1st through 5th grade kids. Our goal is to meet the children on their level with age-appropriate games, dramas, music, and lessons from God’s Word!
Students, 6th through 12th grade, are encouraged to be in service either with their friends or with their family. At 9:15 they can attend a Bible Study class with their peers of the same grade led by a married couple and Sunday evenings come together, at 5:15, as a whole student ministry for a student worship service called, “The Gathering”.
Concord Baptist is a Southern Baptist Church. We are a self-governing body that chooses to affiliate for missions, ministry, education and other endeavors with the Southern Baptist Convention. We also are in partnership with the South Carolina Baptist Convention and the Saluda Baptist Association. Our doctrinal beliefs are summarized in the Baptist Faith and Message 2000.
The first step to becoming a member at Concord Baptist is to go through our Next Steps class. For more information, click here!