
A Mentoring Journey

Hello, beautiful!

As a woman who is a member of Concord Baptist Church, we invite you to be a part of our next Flourish journey through Concord Baptist Church, beginning January 2024! 

Our team is excited to bring women together and connect them to grow in Christ and develop godly relationships that will spur one another on in the faith. 

Flourish is a year-long Mentoring Journey and commitment where we pair two mentors and four mentees together for a year of life-on-life moments guided by Scripture through our Flourish curriculum. As a part of the Flourish Journey, you’ll have the gift of walking out the year with a mentor who is a few years ahead of you in life, rooting your life deep in Truth, and building relationships with other women in your Flourish group. It’s a year to draw closer to Jesus as you experience life-change through the Word of God and community with each other.

Interested in being mentored?
Interested in being mentored?

Will you considered being a mentee? If you are 18 years old or above, and an active member of Concord Baptist Church, we’d love to have you register to participate in the 2024 Flourish Journey. We’ll notify you at the close of our registration/application period in the fall about the next steps you will need to take. This will include a casual orientation session in which you’ll familiarize yourself with the details of the journey.

Interested in being a mentor?
Interested in being a mentor?

Will you consider being a mentor? If you are 30 years old or older, and an active member of Concord Baptist Church, we’d love to have you apply!  We’ll notify you at the close of our registration/application period in the fall about the next steps you will need to take. This will include a casual interview and later an orientation session.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Flourish?

A Mentoring Journey is a year-long commitment that connects women at Concord Baptist Church in a curriculum-based mentoring relationship within a community of two mentors and fellow mentees to encourage and challenge one another in their walks with Jesus. FLOURISH calls women to a higher standard of living, a God-filled life for the sake of the Gospel, following the commands in Titus 2:3-5.

How old do you have to be?

Flourish is open to mentors ages 30+ and mentees College age+ at the time of application.

What are the monthly and weekly requirements?

Meetings will happen monthly. Sometimes you’ll have “one-on-one” meetings between mentor/mentee as agreed to and arranged between the two women. As a mentee, you are required to have a devotional time in the Word, following your journal outline, 5 days a week, and this includes also connecting with your mentor via email or other mode of contact at the end of each week. Mentors agree to host monthly meetings and arrange “one one-on-ones,” as well as make contact with their assigned mentees.

What books or materials are required for Flourish?

Flourish uses one curriculum which you will have to purchase. The Flourish Mentor/Mentee book is about $30. The curriculum is fully Bible based using scriptures for each topic covered. Occasionally, you might also want to read to extra books on the topic of focus during the year to better understand the scriptures and the topics we are discussing on this journey.

Do I have to be mature in my walk with the Lord to participate in Flourish?

Absolutely not! But you must be willing to commit to it and hold to your commitment. That’s what Flourish is for, to help you grow as a Mentee in your walk with Christ. Your mentor is going to help guide you on this journey and point you to Jesus. Will you mentor have all the answers? No, but she is going to walk with you and open scripture with you to help you gain a better understanding of who Jesus is. So, in other words, you need just the right amount of maturity to stick to your commitment and press on to see what God has in store for you. No slacking.

Do I get to pick my mentor or mentees?

No, but know that we are very intentional with the matching process. We read every application with careful attention and much prayer. We consider many factors to provide each mentee with the best mentor possible. We also very prayerfully select mentors and the partnership of the 2 mentors assigned to each Flourish group.

How many mentees are in each group?

Our mentor-to-mentee ratio ideally is 2 mentors to 4 mentees. This depends somewhat on the mentor’s capacity and choice, but more so on the number of accepted mentors and mentees into the Flourish ministry program each year. While the community of friends you will be assigned to and build relationships with is a very important aspect of this ministry, remember: the focus of FLOURISH is on the Mentor/Mentee relationship which will include both individual and group meetings throughout the year.

Do I need to be a member of Concord Baptist to participate in Flourish?

Yes, Concord Baptist Church must be your church home and place of membership to be a part of Flourish.

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