Michael’s Blog I September

Rev. Michael Kinard   -  

Hello Forever Young and Friends,

I pray all has gone well with you all over the course of the last month. I know that some of you have had some trials, struggles and difficulties, while others have had wonderful mountain top experiences. This illustrates the complexities of our walk with Christ. In the Bible, God never said it was going to always be easy and great for the believer. In fact, we are told the direct opposite:

James 1:2-4 – “My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”

Here in James, we see “various trials” will happen in our lives. But James also teaches us how to deal with them, “Count it all joy”…because the trial is growing our faith strong by producing in our lives — patience. This patience will be displayed in us with contentment!

We rest in our relationship with Christ, as we walk through the various trials. We also realize that if we are not currently experiencing trials, more than likely they will be coming towards us soon. Therefore, pray for others you know going through various trials and for yourself that you may learn to “count it all joy” in the midst of your trials.

In Christ,

Rev. Michael Kinard

P.S. My cell phone number is 864-314-1968, call or text with anything that is on your mind! If I do not answer, I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Forever Young Serves – Spotlight – Each month at the Forever Young Luncheon, we take up the “tip” money to go towards different mission projects we have ongoing. One way the “tip” helps is to support our Compassion Children. Another way it can help is to be used towards the missions emphasis each month with a gift card or supplies. The August and September emphasis — Back to School Supplies for Calvary Children’s Home and New Foundations. You may also bring actual school supplies and place them in our missions box!