Michael’s Blog | May

Rev. Michael Kinard   -  

Hello Senior Saints of Concord Baptist Church and Friends,

Well, I am getting settled into the new role as Pastor of Senior Adults and Pastoral Care.  I am truly excited to have the opportunity to serve the LORD and you here at Concord.  You all have been very welcoming and helpful in this transition.  I will do my best not to call you by the wrong names, (Bob for Jim, Shelia for Linda, etc…) It will take time, but we will get there together.

If you do not know, the church as purchased a new 15 passenger bus. Therefore as we plan trips moving forward, I hope to fill that one up as well as we adventure together as Senior Saints of CBC.  There are spots still available for our trip to Daniel Stowe Gardens on May 18, (This is a Thursday instead of our usual Tuesday adventure day.)  Also, the trip to Pigeon Forge/Gatlinburg area for the Celebrators conference in October is open now on Realm.   You can sign up there or call Madi for assistance, 225-4621 x133.  One more reminder—June 6th will be our Annual Picnic for our Seniors, Pete and the RePetes will be our entertainment, plan to join us by signing up at the ministry table at our luncheon next week, in the office or online.  This has always been a great time for us!

Lastly, as we move forward in planning for next year and beyond, I do want to hear your suggestions and thoughts.  So, at the luncheon and/or anytime we cross paths, fill out a survey and hand it to me, Lori or Madi, even drop off at the office or send through the Sunday school class.  I would love to pray about and consider new and/or different ideas for us as Seniors of CBC.

The LORD loves each of you deeply!  His Word reveals just how much… “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) Remember today, God loves you! Jesus loves you! The Holy Spirit lives with in you to guide you in loving others like Jesus loves you!  May we all hold on to this truth of how much God loves us and may we also share His love with those we encounter each day. Also, not only does God love you, but Lori and I do also, as well as your church staff and church family!

In Christ,

Michael Kinard