Michael’s Blog | May 2024

Rev. Michael Kinard   -  

Hey Forever Young Friends,

John 15:5 “I am the vine, you are the branches: He that abides in me, and I in him, the same bring forth much fruit: for without me you can do nothing.”

I’m encouraged by our Forever Young group! You all continue to amaze me and encourage me by your support of our group, your Sunday School Classes, and the Church. A number of you came out to the LOVE LOUD day our church had in April. It was a great day of us going out in the Name of Jesus to Share His Love in a Practical Way! We have lots of fun, fellowship and food, but it was also great to serve the LORD and our community. Thank you for supporting LOVE LOUD! As the above verse states, Jesus is the vine, and we are the branches. We are the extension of Jesus into the world and we have the greatest message of Love to share. Jesus challenges us to abide or remain in Him…connected to Him and as we are connected to Him, we will “bring forth fruit.” And lastly, it is not about what we do, but what the LORD does through us, because “without Him we can do nothing!”

So, remember this challenge:

1. Be the branch God desires you to be,

2. Remain connected to Jesus through the Word of God and the Spirit of God, and

3. See the harvest He desires to bring through you and I as we faithfully rely on Him and His Power!

May Forever Young – Picnic This month there will be not a luncheon. Instead we are going to Walker Century Farms for the Annual Forever Young Picnic. It will be catered by Cromer Food Services, hotdogs and hamburgers! Remember Birthday Cards cannot not be used for the Picnic. The cost is $16 per person. We will have the Sweet Potato Kids for our entertainment.

Reminder to you to get a ticket for the luncheons, activities, etc… or have the screen shot of your confirmation if you paid online.

Bonclarken Forever Young Retreat – September 16-19 – I’m getting excited about the opportunity we have this year for our retreat. Rev. Dr. Tim Wilson, Ret. Army Chaplain will be our speaker for the week. We will have the Southern Gospel group The Hyssongs with us on Monday evening of the retreat. Sign-up today online (concordbaptist.com/foreveryoung or the Church Center App under signups) or by contacting Madi. $100 will reserve your spot on this fantastic retreat/trip. You do not want to miss it!


In Christ’s Love and with our love,

Rev. Michael and Lori Kinard (along with Michaela)