Michael’s Blog | April 2024

Rev. Michael Kinard   -  

Hey Forever Young and Friends,

Ephesians 1:15-16 15“Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, 16do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers.”

I am thankful for you my Concord Forever Young Family and Church Family. The love and support you have shown my family over the last few weeks has truly been overwhelming. We felt your compassion and care in the passing of my mother. So as the above verse states, we will always give thanks for you and pray for you also, not just for the kindness you have extended towards us, but mostly for your faithful service to the LORD and His church. Once again thank you for your faithful service and love.

April Forever Young – Luncheon will be on April 2. We are looking forward to an excellent meal (as always) and a great time of fellowship with you. Joel Gray, from the Every Generation Vision Team will be with us and share a few minutes about our capital campaign – Every Generation – which is starting up in April. This capital campaign is moving us towards the future of the new children and student building. We will also have Stasea Morris to share with us. Looking forward to seeing you there.

Reminder that moving forward, we need you to get a ticket for the luncheons, activities, etc… or have the screen shot of your confirmation if you paid online. If you are using a Birthday Card for the luncheon, please go by the office to exchange for ticket in order that we are prepared for the right number of people!

April Forever Young – Adventure

State Botanical Garden of Georgia – We are headed to the State Botanical Garden of Georgia on April 16 and you will need money for lunch. If you would like to be added to the wait list, you can call Madi in the Church Office, 225-4621, ext. 133.

Bonclarken Forever Young Retreat – September 16-19 – I’m getting excited about the opportunity we have this year for our retreat. Rev. Dr. Tim Wilson, Ret. Army Chaplain will be our speaker for the week. We will have the Southern Gospel group Hyssong with us on Monday evening of the retreat. Sign-up today online or by contacting Madi for more details. $100 will reserve your spot on this fantastic retreat/trip, you do not want to miss it!

In Christ’s Love and with our love,

Rev. Michael and Lori Kinard (along with Michaela)